Selfie of Wilder outside with a snowy background

Wilder Acuna Gonzalez
Materials Science & Engineering
Advised by Joshua Zide

Interview submitted in Fall 2021

CHARM Interviewer (CI): In technical language, what is the research you do here at CHARM?

Wilder Acuna Gonzalez (WAG): The research is focused on the growth of novel semiconductor materials by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) for implementation in optoelectronic devices targeting terahertz (THz) emission and detection.

CI: What is a skill you would like to build on while being a part of CHARM?

WAG: The most efficient ways to work with people from different departments.

CI: Are there any other student/campus organizations you belong to?

WAG: I am the president of the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) at UD, I am the outreach representative for the Materials Research Society (MRS) at UD, a chapter office for ASM Brandywine Valley, and a mentor at UD MSEG EmPOWER and iBUDDY programs.

CI: What do you enjoy doing on your downtime outside of the lab?

WAG: I like to watch tv shows and movies, read science fiction novels, running, and mountain biking in my free time.

CI: Where can people find you on social media?

WAG: @Wilder3116 on Twitter